QSMC would like to advise all of our patients, the measures we have in place in an attempt to limit transmission of Coronavirus (COVID-19).
October 2020 Update
Whilst things in Queensland on the surface are operating now in what we might consider relatively ‘normal’ circumstances, QSMC wants to assure you that as a clinic we are continuing to adhere to our COVID-Safe plan. This involves maintaining a strict level of hygiene and additional infection control measures which we take very seriously. We want our patients to feel confident that we are taking all necessary measures to reduce the risk to patients and all staff during these times.
As a quick summary and reminder of the control measures in place we ask:
- Please bring your own towel to your appointment
- Please wash or sanitise your hands at the stations provided before and after your appointment
- Please refrain from resting any personal belongings on the reception counters
- Please maintain the appropriate physical distancing of 1.5m at all times and follow instructional signage
- Please do not attend your appointment if you are feeling unwell. Your appointment can be changed to a Telehealth appointment if this suits you better.
- Please be aware of maximum capacity signs, seating available and follow the directions of our reception team if you need to wait in an overflow area due to room capacities
- Wherever possible please pay using contactless payment
In addition to the measures above, our team are also cleaning all surfaces on a regular frequency and all beds are being cleaned between every patient. We thank you for all of your help throughout this time in keeping our clinics safe for all of our patients and the QSMC team.
26th June 2020 Update
We are really pleased to notify our Fitness clients of the commencement of Group Training Sessions from Monday 6th July. We know that they will all be eager to get back into the gym and we appreciate how supportive and understanding everyone has been during this time. We are starting with a modified and temporary timetable to be confident we are appropriately managing numbers within the facility. This timetable can be found on the Fitness Timetable on our website.
Like all gyms we have had to make some changes to our timetables, and you will notice not all of the sessions you might have previously attended are available initially. We will endeavour to reintroduce these as soon as we feel it is safe and appropriate to do so. We think we have got the balance right and there should be enough opportunity for everyone to access classes across the week as you get back into your exercise routine.
To enable us to have group training back in our Woolloongabba gym, we need to make all clients aware of the current practices that we need to be adhering to, to allow us to progress to eventually all classes coming back online. We ask for your help in upholding the following COVID Safe requirements.
- You will be required to book, in advance, any group training you intend on participating in. This is in order to comply to COVID Safe requirements and to manage capacity requirements.
- All classes will have a maximum capacity of 10 participants
- Bookings can be made for the upcoming fortnight only. To cater for any changes that may need as we progress through restrictions
- Bookings can be made by email to reception@qsmc.net.au or by phone.
Physical Distancing
- Physical distancing of 1.5m is required at all times, with added distance for any strenuous activity. Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) recommends remaining 2 – 4 meters apart.
- All rooms have a maximum capacity based on the sqm of that room. This is indicated through signage on the walls. Please be considerate of this and if you notice any lack of compliance with this, please raise it immediately with your trainer or a member of staff.
- Some exercise equipment is deemed not to be used, as appropriate distance cannot be maintained during its use. Please follow the signs in place that indicate where a piece of equipment falls within this.
- Please do not gather in the reception area before or after your training session
- Please use the hand rub or hand washing stations where they are provided, before and after all activity
- Please bring your own towel for use on equipment
- Please bring your own water bottle and do not drink directly from the water cooler.
- Please do not bring any excess personal belongings. Our showers are currently closed so please come dressed ready to train and exit as soon as your session is complete, changing at home.
- Please be aware that during your session any piece of equipment that you use will need to be wiped down before and after each use, during your session.
- Please stay at home if you are feeling unwell. QLD Health requires us to ask you to not attend your appointment if you are feeling unwell. It is recommended that you isolate and phone the National Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 020 080 or use the Health Direct Symptom checker and seek medical attention.
- All payments are contactless
- Upon 6th July all memberships will be reactivated. If your circumstances require any further hold to be put on your membership, please contact our reception team.
25th May 2020 Update
QSMC remains open to provide Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology services to our patients. We continue to maintain strict hygiene protocols and physical distancing measures as well as offering Telehealth appointments for anyone unable to attend in person.
As restrictions begin to ease, we want to assure you that QSMC is taking every precaution to maintain your health and safety. We are closely monitoring government recommendations and will continue to implement safe practices on advice from health authorities to minimise the risk to all our patients and staff.
QSMC Rehabilitation Facility Response to Roadmap
QSMC has carefully reviewed and considered the QLD State Government roadmap to recovery in order to understand how we best transition our group fitness and personal training sessions back into our facility. Upon reviewing the size of our building, maximum number requirements and other services that are provided in the facility, we have decided to take a cautious and measured approach as we reintroduce services back into the gym. Please see below our summarised plan:
- Personal training in a 1:1 capacity will recommence Monday 15th June as part of the state government recommendation and the stage 2 rollout
- Group fitness at this stage is being planned for a stage 3 return after July 10th upon review of how stage 2 has rolled out
We understand that for many of our fitness clients, you are wanting to get back into the gym as soon as possible and we certainly encourage and want to support your involvement in exercise. Due to the nature of the rehabilitation of some of the patients in our Woolloongabba facility we do believe it is best to take additional precautions and delay the introduction of groups participating in fitness until Stage 3.
All our fitness memberships remain on hold, until such a time where we are comfortable incorporating fitness back into the facility. If you are eager to get back into it and need that face to face motivation, try a 1:1 PT session with Tuffy to work on a plan for your exercise regime until classes can resume.
QSMC Rehabilitation Facility & Clinic measures during COVID-19
The below is a summary of measures that have been implemented at QSMC clinics and rehabilitation facility. It is not an exhaustive list and QSMC remains flexible to updates in practises to be able to respond to changing circumstances.
All of the below measures are indicated through signage throughout our facilities and are being monitored and enforced by our administration team.
Measures Implemented at QSMC
Physical Distancing
- Implementation of physical distancing of 1.5m in clinic and rehabilitation facility, with marker and signs in higher traffic areas to indicate appropriate distance to provide patients with 4sqm of space
- Restriction on numbers in clinic and rehabilitation facility to match guidelines for number of people per sqm in line with ESSA and APA recommendations.
- Setting doors to open to allow further air flow
- Waiting room restrictions and process for overflows
- Restrictions on use of equipment in facilities
Hygiene, Infection Control & Cleaning
- All employees have completed the Department of Health Infection Control Course
- All employees and contractors are required to wash their hands before and after each interaction with a patient
- Signage throughout the clinic and rehabilitation facility to indicate hand washing stations and protocols for recommended techniques.
- Regular sanitising of all surfaces in reception and treatment areas with hospital grade surface cleaner
- Sanitising before and after each use of technology (i.e. iPad, payment machines) with alcohol swabs or hospital grade surface cleaner
- Sanitising all equipment and beds after each use
- Use of disposable sheets and pillowcases, replaced after each patient
- Supply of and sanitiser throughout the clinic to ensure easy access for all
- Directive to stay at home if feeling unwell
- Regular communication to patients via email, sms, social media and website on measures being taken and expectations at appointments
- Telehealth appointments are available to any patient who is unable to attend in person
Measures Requested of Patients
- Adherence to all in clinic policy mentioned above
- Request to reschedule if they are feeling unwell
- Contactless payment and no signatures required
- Bringing their own towels
We thank all of our patients for their adherence to the above and in helping us maintain a health and safe environment for everyone.
24th April 2020 Update
Massage Services to Open
We will be opening up massage services in May and contacting clients in regards to the appointment times that were booked prior to the restrictions being put in place.
Stay connected
24th March 2020 Update
- We will no longer be accepting cash payments and will keep our handling of patients cards to a minimum. The reception team will ask patients to swipe their own private health and bankcard to keep contact to a minimum.
- Each location has restrictions on the number of patients waiting in the waiting room at any one time, with multiple options and overflows established to keep patients limited in their interactions with each other and our reception team will direct your movements if you need assistance.
- We have removed a number of beds to allow for more space within treatment areas to give you as much space as possible when receiving treatment.
- Our Physios and EPs are already, very successfully delivering Telehealth appointments and are encouraging all patients to consider this option as government recommendations on social distancing and self-isolation increase.
We are also continuing the measures introduced earlier in the month which can be seen below in our earlier update. QSMC is absolutely committed to the health and wellbeing of all of our patients and staff and are taking every measure possible to provide a safe and compliant service to everyone. We are encouraging all clients to consider our Telehealth delivery method as part of their ongoing health care and we are working on continual process improvement to make this the most efficient delivery method for all patients during these challenging times.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our team on (07) 3891 2000.
18th March 2020 Update
At present our clinics are still open and providing our services to patients as we understand it is an essential part of your pain management, rehabilitation and health strategies. We encourage any patient to consider the alternative consultation options below if you are experiencing any symptoms, have recently travelled internationally or are exercising additional due diligence based on your personal circumstances.
To reassure you, we wanted to provide you with information around our internal practices to keep our facilities as clean as possible if you are visiting our clinic for treatment:
- Our reception team will ask you to wash your hands and avoid touching your face for the duration of your appointment.
- Our physios will clean beds after every use and every patient will be provided with a fresh face shield when being treated face down or using pillows, as is our standard practice.
- Our exercise physiologists will work with you to give you your space while exercising and clean down every piece of equipment after every use, as is our standard practice
- Our wash basins are available for all patients to use to wash your hands at any time
- Every patient will be treated in a cubicle or with at least 1 spare bed distance between you and the next patient.
- Our Physios and EP’s are regularly reviewing their schedules and splitting their shifts to attempt to have the minimal number of patients in an area at any one time.
- We are stocked with hand wash and sanitiser available for patient use.
During this time, our patients’ wellbeing is of critical importance and we know that the services we provide form a key ingredient to the management and maintenance of your health. With this in mind we want to make sure that we have attempted every opportunity to continue to provide our expertise to you when you need it.
There may come a time when it will be more appropriate to your circumstances to not receive treatment in person and we would like to support you through this process. QSMC has the option to provide you the same expertise via Telehealth facilities such as video conferencing and phone consultations and this is available to all patients who require self-isolation or who prefer to stay at home to avoid possible exposure. Our reception team will gladly assist in arranging a Telehealth consultation for you.
We will continue to monitor the outbreak and follow the guidelines of the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA), Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) and the Australian Government and keep you informed as the circumstances evolve.
We thank you for your patience, understanding and vigilance at this time and we know if we work together we can continue to support you on your treatment journey while keeping all of you and our staff, safe and healthy.