Marguerite King adjusting the rowing machine while giving advice to a QSMC client

Rowing Assessments at QSMC

How You Can Assess your Rowing Technique at QSMC

With Marguerite King

Do you ever struggle to straighten up after you get out of the boat at the end of a session? Do you find that you have forearm issues going between sweep and sculling? 

These are some very common rowing related musculoskeletal issues which an APA Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist can help solve. 

One of the most common rowing related injuries is lower back pain and even younger rowers are unfortunately not immune. Lower back pain is treatable but discovering the driving mechanism behind the injury is essential. Is it a lack of hip mobility? Is it a lack of postural endurance? Is it related to your glute or hamstring length? 

Here at QSMC, we are able to tell you the driving mechanism behind the injury, give realistic practical rehabilitation and advice, as well as liaise with your rowing coach for a seamless delivery of information to the team around you. We give coaches practical advice to maintain fitness, further develop strength as well as make technical suggestions. By being comprehensive in our approach, we optimise your recovery and minimise your time out of the boat. We understand that, for coaches and athletes, there is nothing worse than being told ‘do nothing for two weeks’! 

Chest wall injuries such as rib stress fractures are another major injury in rowing and contribute to a large amount of time spent out of the boat recovering. We use the latest screening techniques to assess an athlete’s injury risk profile and develop programs to address any deficits.

An example is using measurements of upper back rotation. While essential in a sweep boat, scullers also need to maintain range of motion through this area to enhance performance. Using exercises such as four point kneeling rotation and downward facing dog help load the upper back muscles so joint stiffness is minimised and muscle activation is maximised. Here at QSMC, we offer comprehensive performance enhancement and injury risk minimisation screening processes. These involve looking at your past injuries and completing both video (if available) or ergo movement assessments. We then complete a screening assessment involving both mobility and movement tests targeting areas highlighted in your history and ergo testing. We then can deliver this information in a report format and verbally, using rowing specific language, to your coach.

Our Physiotherapists

Ivan Hooper

Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist

Involvement with teams

  • Sydney 2000 Australian Olympic Team (Sprint Kayak)
  • Athens 2004 Australian Olympic Team (Rowing)
  • Beijing 2008 Australian Olympic Team (Rowing)
  • London 2012 Australian Olympic Team (Rowing)
  • Rio 2016 Australian Olympic Team (Headquarters)
  • Australian Rowing Team 1997-2012
  • Australian Kayaking Team 1998-2002
  • Australian Diving Team 2014

Marguerite King

Musculoskeletal, Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist

Involvement with teams

  • Australian Women’s Water Polo
  • Rowing QAS
  • Water polo QAS

Book online here

To book a Rowing Assessment at QSMC, you will need to request an extended appointment (1 hour) with either Ivan or Marguerite. Book online using the link below here or call our reception team on 07 3891 2000.

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